Stellar Regions
Hoka Skenandore (Oneida, Oglala Lakota, La Jolla Band of Luiseno, Chicano)
Through Summer 2024

Artist Statement

This body of work began during my time at the University of Oklahoma (2017-2020). While working on my MFA I took a deeper look at my family and the artistic traditions they established. I am part of a lineage that includes the ceramics of my Grandmother Rose Kerstetter, the Lakota Dolls and artwork of my late Mother Olivia Skenandore & the paintings, prints and sculptures of my late Uncle Fritz Scholder. I also inherit the legacies of the schools I attended, the Institute of American Indian Arts as well the University of Oklahoma. Central to all of these people and places is the creation of contemporary art created from the deepest roots of our individual cultures. This body of work reflects my investigation of a personal family history as well as my own influences, one of the largest being Style Writing.